Tor Paaske Utheim, is Co-founder and Director of Research of the Norwegian Dry Eye Clinic and the Institute of Eye Health in Oslo, Norway. Utheim is Senior Consultant and Director of innovation at the Department of Ophthalmology at Oslo University Hospital, Stavanger University Hospital, Sørlandet Hospital, Arendal and Drammen Hospital in Norway. He holds seven part-time Professorships that are split between the University of Oslo, University of Bergen, Oslo Metropolitan University, and University of South-Eastern Norway. Utheim is research group leader of Unit of Regenerative Medicine, Department of Medical Biochemistry and Unit of Research Driven Innovation, Division of Head, Neck and Reconstructive Surgery at Oslo University Hospital. Since 2013, he has been Adjunct Clinical Associate of Schepens Eye Research Institute at the Massachusetts Eye and Ear, Department of Ophthalmology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, U.S. Professor Utheim is the recipient of more than 20 academic, research and/or innovation awards/honors, including the Medinnova’s Innovation Prize (2008), which is the largest innovation prize in the health sector in Norway; the Director`s Award for Excellent Research, Oslo University Hospital, Ullevaal (2009); the European Society of Ophthalmology Award for the most promising Norwegian Young Clinician/ Researcher (2012); and the Oslo University Hospital Early Career Award for outstanding research (2017). He has completed supervision of 10 Ph.D. students and 8 medical research students (three-year program) and is currently supervising more than 20 Ph.D. students and medical research students.